About Scott Lockhart

I was born and raised on the great high plains of the Texas panhandle.

The big sky above me and flat plain before me deeply shaped my vision and connection to the soul’s expression as poetry, and, to the visual arts.

As a boy, I was a voracious reader. I also spent a lot of time outdoors. I was either roaming the cotton fields, watching the thunderheads billowing overhead, or in the library, caught up in some wild adventure on “Treasure Island” or solving a great mystery with The Hardy Boys.

In the 7th grade I wrote my first book of poetry. It was titled “The Infinite Corridors of Time”.

It wasn’t long after my first book of poetry that I picked up a camera. It was a Polaroid. I fell in love with photography. The first time I peeled the paper off the Polaroid film and watched the black and white image magically pop into view, I was hooked.


love does not free you by uplifting

love does not free you by uplifting

love does not free you by uplifting
you, no, true love delivers you to everything in you that you do not love, first it shows you what love isn’t and then and only then it shows you what love is.

our greatest gift

our greatest gift

our greatest gift is Life itself,
go be in Life,
go out there,
see yourself in the sky,
hear yourself in the wind,
feel yourself in the Earth.
this is your greatest gift.
give it,
be it,
rest there.

Moab, Utah

there is always the sky

there is always the sky

there is always the sky
and when I walk under her
she invites me to soar.
there is always the sea
and when I lay with her
she rebirths me.
there is always the shore
and when I stand upon her
she gives me her ground.

Love on

Love on

like the stars in the heavens,
the moon,
the sun,
the Mockingbird’s song,
and the wind
in the chime.

see the same
in your eyes,
your smile,
your face,
hear it in
your voice,
the voice
you know you
cannot hide.

us vs. them

us vs. them

us vs them.
good vs evil.
life vs death.
this kind of thinking comes from the core belief that we are separate.
there is no them.
there is no evil.
there is no death.

Love Takes Over Book

Love Takes Over Book

“Driving down Interstate 35 we were talking about how fast our lives were passing by, you started sharing your favorite memory, about when you were a little girl, 6 or 7 years old, you were sitting in your grandmother’s lap, on her front porch, she was singing to you while she braided your hair, you said she was wearing her favorite blue gingham dress and that she always smelled like Ivory soap and that you remembered the sound of the porch boards creaking under her rocking chair.”

An excerpt from “Love Takes Over”
a book by Scott Lockhart

Earth is alive

Earth is alive

Earth is alive,
a sacred place,
she knows you by name,
you’re not the master here
this isn’t a game.

She doesn’t need you
to protect her,
or to fight and wail. Continue Reading